Sunday, March 31, 2013

The End Of Internationalism In Europe

                                                                    Inspiring words.

Stop Informing Me!

(Watch Out, He Has A PHD In CON-spiracy)

"Sometimes I feel like a man in the wilderness..
Sometimes it makes no sense at all."

 I'm not sure if I Am the only man in the wilderness when it comes to a lot of these truth-movement people, most of them make me want to puke! They have this typical mindset of, "I'm doing this all by myself I could use some help," or "have you heard about what the Jews did to the USS Liberty, let me show you on this site http://whatreallyamthewitnessinfounderantizionist.con." 


Friday, March 29, 2013

Behold Beating The Pale Horse To Death

(Typical Article: Use Alex's Face = More Views)

I will make this first blog as brief as possible, as it has become so obligatory of every truther site out there to keep bringing up this issue. It is a task in its self because there are literally hundreds of websites that complain about the movement with daily articles. I will cover this thoroughly in my book, which will be released hopefully by the summer, and do not want to copy and paste what I have already written.