Sunday, March 31, 2013

Stop Informing Me!

(Watch Out, He Has A PHD In CON-spiracy)

"Sometimes I feel like a man in the wilderness..
Sometimes it makes no sense at all."

 I'm not sure if I Am the only man in the wilderness when it comes to a lot of these truth-movement people, most of them make me want to puke! They have this typical mindset of, "I'm doing this all by myself I could use some help," or "have you heard about what the Jews did to the USS Liberty, let me show you on this site http://whatreallyamthewitnessinfounderantizionist.con." 


This is most common when one first learns that they have either been lied to, and now have it all figured out because they saw an informative YouTube video documenting the event. The most common stages are as follows:

  1. Infowars
  2. Zionists are Nazis
  3. Hitler was right? 
  4. The hollowco$t
  5. Hitler was right!
  6. PHD 
Do not get me wrong, this is not altogether a bad way to wake up, but it does make a good checklist for those who fit this mentality as well. They are usually associated together. Fortunately for me, I did not Wake Up! from Alex Jones, although I did find some of his documentaries entertaining. My problem is not even with the people who have had a gradual awakening. My gripe is with the people who come off as arrogant and smug. The one that directs you to terrible sites with Zio-Truthers. It is especially insulting when a month ago they were spouting off the, "9/11 was an Inside Job, End The Fed, Baaah," rhetoric.

Sometimes people need to walk before they run. I think it is better to ask questions, rather than to come off as a know-it-all-been-everywhere-person. Some of us have been aware of these issues for a good while, and we do not need to be informed. However, this never crosses their mind as they have this God-complex, and that they are the only ones fighting this malevolent force. In reality not one single person that I know of in this day has been a real threat, maybe some political figures, towards the Jews. 

My problem here is not with new people, just to reiterate my earlier point. Life is a learning curve and as people we have to flow with it, but for some it seems like they would rather barrel down a straight line into self-importance. Oh, and no, I will not be passing out any flyers!


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