Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Total Pacifism...Totally

The True Face Of  The American Nazi Parties
In recent interviews between John Friend (Realist Report) and  The American Nazi Party, and between Deanna Spingola (Spingola Speaks) and the NorthWest Front, I came to a pretty astute conclusion as to what is happening in the so-called American National Socialist movement.  It is anything but National Socialism!  It is a cunning effort to pacify and misdirect truth seekers.  I am on to you Jews and your snake goyim henchmen.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

If I Were Dictator....My Fifty Point Plan

Julius Caesar Ended The Republic And Created The Roman Empire
Jewish Media pundits hold so dear their capitalistic republic because it puts the power in the hands of their host. The truth community is going to have to take charge. It is time to plan and create an actual plan to take down and rebuild. Our children's future is a stake.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Boston Bombing Human Passover Sacrifice?

There is all sorts of speculation going on post-terrorist attack in Boston. The first thing that sparked my interest was the end of Passover and remembering the human sacrifice that finalizes the end of the ritual. To understand the Jewish mindset, and how they use significant dates in history, may-be a future way of tracking when they will strike again. In any case it will be easier to know what is a "Natural," and "unnatural," terrorist attack.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Neo-Nazi, Now The New Black.. Well Not Black.

New Age Nazi's
One should not be fooled into following a majority of these nationalist white alliances, NWA. These whites, who behave exactly like non-whites, are hostile and a cancer to any cohesive nationalist movement. I mentioned the scattered movement here. There is an old cliche You can take them out of the ghetto, but you can not take the ghetto out of them.

Monday, April 8, 2013

How They Shaped The American Dream. Your Dream Is Their Reality.

Welcome To Your Nightmare

 ``I'm not sure that there was an `American Dream' before the Jews came to Hollywood and invented it,'' historian Aljean Harmetz says. ``You didn't have what we have today, which is a popular culture that creates dreams.'',  (Injecting America With Its Own Vision, March 22, 1998).

Now, when one looks at the classic "Ideal American Family",  surely shows come to mind like  Leave It To Beaver, The Andy Griffith Show, or The Dick Van Dyke Show. These represented wholesome family values, yet sort of a bastardized version. Much is lost today with The Kardashians, Jersey Shore, and every other "must see" TV programming.  How has society denigrated itself from the mid-1960's family values to the now present debased shows of today?  I will tell you, and I will also tell you that it was a deliberate, manufactured, and malicious agenda brought to the United States by certain immigrants. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Putin Honors Jewish Butchers....Is Anyone Surprised?

Rabbi Russian President Putin, has finally revealed his Tznius Gown and broke glass in Israel.  Now lets look at all the truthers who said, Oy Vey! Putin is our last hope! They really shoa'ed their true colors.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

They Are Not All Powerful. D.O.A

(I'm Not  Much For Cyborgs, But I Like Seeing Criminals Get Theirs!)
This should be the motto, "They are not all powerful, and it's time to throw them away in prison, or execute these criminals."

In other words, the jig is up!