Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Neo-Nazi, Now The New Black.. Well Not Black.

New Age Nazi's
One should not be fooled into following a majority of these nationalist white alliances, NWA. These whites, who behave exactly like non-whites, are hostile and a cancer to any cohesive nationalist movement. I mentioned the scattered movement here. There is an old cliche You can take them out of the ghetto, but you can not take the ghetto out of them.

The Jewish controllers love drama. They love cat fights, race wars, and gossip. Every TV show  is a drama-filled concoction that is loved by millions. Never tolerate this kind of garbage.  It is important to remember that the struggle is not about who garners the most attention, who is right, or who has the biggest schnitzel. In the end it comes down to results! For years I have seen these wiggers behave like thugs and make the craziest ICP fan seem somewhat tolerable.

The same goes for whites who constantly have to post how great their people are for creating every invention known to man while they live in their shadow and kick back in their Lazy-boy.  Constantly pointing out how great a particular people are only serves to take away from its legitimate esteem and also lends further credence to the enemy regarding that noble pride. Stop behaving like a kosher rap star. If the past is truly the past, then stop with the shuck and jive talk. Are you white, or are you a nahdamean expletive, expletive, expletive? Stop it!

When it comes to criminality, speaking personally, I do believe people can change. I think everyone has done something in their life that they deeply regret and would like to make right. Life is a winding road and the paths are not always clear, especially when the Jew has been leading us on so many detours. I also believe that some crimes are not deserving of forgiveness. Some can tarnish their past so greatly that they should not be given a second chance. When an individual/group makes statements about genociding a whole race of people, especially if that race is their own, then they should never gain any kind of influence in a movement.

There is a real chance at tearing down this Zionist Frankenstein Creature, but it will come at a cost. One should ask if he or she is really willing to pay the ultimate price, even if that means leaving behind the drama, envy, and pride.

Are you willing?


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