Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Boston Bombing Human Passover Sacrifice?

There is all sorts of speculation going on post-terrorist attack in Boston. The first thing that sparked my interest was the end of Passover and remembering the human sacrifice that finalizes the end of the ritual. To understand the Jewish mindset, and how they use significant dates in history, may-be a future way of tracking when they will strike again. In any case it will be easier to know what is a "Natural," and "unnatural," terrorist attack.



8 Year Old Martin Richard Victim
In a Fox News article: victim 8-year-old, Martin Richard of Boston, lost his life at the event. Was this at the hands of fanatical Jewish ritual murders? It is not mere coincidence or speculation. One can see that these events are often tied to religious spiritual days.

For instance, with 9/11 the attack is also significant date in Jewish History. On September 11, 1921 Nahala, the first moshav in Palestine, is colonized and creating a Jewish state, to become Israel. 

 This is not circumstantial. The Jews follow their Talmudic practices and see these days, and numbers as very significant sign from Yahweh. 
There are no Jewish victims in these events as well because Yahweh commands that the Jews only sacrifice the dreaded goyim. 

Further more, during the Passover Ritualistic Murder it is commanded for Jews to brutally murder an adult Christian and if so, any non-Jew for the Purim, and to also butcher a child on Passover. The child must be over 7 years old. This child also must die a horrible death and suffer greatly. The Ritual goes onto say that the blood of the victims must be brutally drained.

From the Talmud it proclaims,  "Dam Issardia chynim heroff Jsyn prech harbe hossen mashus pohorus." (Erod, VII, 12) which means: "We therefore beg God to send down the ten plagues upon all the enemies of the Jewish religion. "Sfach, chaba, moscho kol hagoym!" Which translated: "Thus may all Goyim burn in hell!"  

The victims blood is to be used at Passover in wine and in the Jewish massen bread. The blood is used as an ingredient in the bread and wine. This is to be performed by the Jewish father. 

These murders are sacred to the Jews. They are practiced when ever possible. The Jew believes he will be healed by the blood of his fallen enemy.

It makes One wonder what happened to these bodies. Will there be a funeral? If so will there be a body in the casket? 

Did psychotic rabbis drink the blood of the fallen victims? If this sounds absurd I would like  to point out the  evidence of Jews ritually killing children:

These rituals are important to the Jews, and they symbolize the absolute power that they assert over the Western World. It makes them feel like they are invincible. In times like these it is important to note that they are not. They prey on the weak(the young). They do rituals by deception, and they do not have enough chutzpah to wage war by full disclosure.

How many more terrorist ritualistic attacks will the Jews be allowed to carry out? It is time to point out exactly what they are doing to our women and children. I for one do not want to sacrifice any more children to their superstitious god Moloch.

How long will this keep going on? When will the people become aware of what the Jews are doing,  raise their hand, and say, "The Jewish spirit undermines the healthy powers of the European people." I think the time is coming soon!


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