One Straight Edge Cop. The Other A Whacky Pot Smok'in Rebel. This July 4th |
It seems that everyone and their shiksas out there are talking about the whole July 4th armed march on D.C. They keep saying that it will be the start of a huge revolution and will bring on the JWO. Hahahahahaha! The JewOKE is on you.
At first glance at this whole Jewish march on DC, I can see how a lot of the fresh-faced fanatical radio show listeners can be headed into a panic by this. It is obvious that this is not a good idea, and that the Jews could possibly stage a riot or false flag. After all, it is what they do. However, it is very unlikely that they will. Why is that? Simple. They have laid out a specific time, date, and exact place they will be. The Jews are not fact, they are a lot smarter than most of the people who are "Jew-wise". They know this entire event will be documented by We Are Jews (Change) and others, and if they pull off this stunt there is little chance of success.
Look! You bought marshall law and paid $19.95 and you really want to see that happen...makes sense. Honestly, how retarded would the Jews be if they came out and started a massive shooting spree in broad day light? Seriously, put down the Jewl-Aide. This is why it is important to understand history and have a strong grasp of what the Jews are doing and their reactionary methods. The Jews take power through full force.
If one takes a look at the Gleiwitz incident, for instance, it was a very stealthy operation that was used to demonize the National Socialists. It is often used by the bull-horning lunatic and Mike Rivero. Much of what is known about Gleiwitz comes from the testimony of Alfred Naujocks at the Nuremberg Trials. The Nuremberg trial was a complete house of horros and torture put upon the Germans. I am not saying that Naujocks was not working with the Jews, because he did not live long enough, nor is their enough information surrounding him to disprove that. This ultimately lead to the second great war.
Gleiwitz is significant because it shows the stealth operations, and behind the scenes workings that the Jews conduct. Jews think years ahead of the rest of us. They understand at any second their facade can be uncovered. It is also why it is necessary for them to have these good Jews and bad Jews.
In our role as Bad Cop is Adam Kokesh, and his wisecracking Good Cop buddy is Mike Rivero in the action comedy, "March On DC......No Money Junky Will Be Safe.....July 4th".
It is essential for the Jews to give the illusion that they are fighting amongst each other, and that some Jews will even oppose them. I was listening to Mike Ratvero going insane over Coked-kesh and his anarchist antics on Washinton. Rivero kept saying, "This will lead us into a false flag." Remember, his job is to get us prepared, and fill us with fear. He even went as far as to create a petition to stop the anarchist Kokesh, while in the same breathe saying Libertarianism was the way to go. What is to be learned from this is that these two Jews are talking about the same kind of governement. What they are promoting is Communism!
Rivero constantly says on his show that the people who are behind this are promoting Fascism, not Communism. It becomes clear by this statement what he is doing and for whom he is working. It is so obvious to someone who knows the real definition of Fascism and Communism, but to people unaware it can be confusing. After all we are only taught about Communism in our schools. I think if the schools did teach about nationalistic Fascism it would be more appealing, so it is obvious why it is not mentioned.
The question still remains...why are the Jews planning this march on D.C.? It could be possible that they want some kooks to show up and act crazy. They most likely will have agents near the areas of the march. However the main reason is to distract us and make us worried about another Jewish stunt. The real questions we should be asking are: What are they gearing up for in the background and what do the Jews hope to obtain from this?
When the Jews do strike you will know. You will know because you will not know. Mainly, it will be something not Jew-led, and most likely it will not involve one single Jew. Jews will never put their chestnuts on the fire, not while they have us goyim to do their bidding!
Learn from history so that when the time comes, it will be easier to know what the Jews will do and what they will not do. Let's become psychic regarding the Jews.
Let's call their bluff.
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