Friday, May 3, 2013

The Poisoned Woman

Save Our Women From This Future
Feminism has destroyed many things in its process of defeminizing Western womanhood.   It has also feminized  Western manhood.  The term "feminism" is actually specious, and it is a blatant and evil effort to destroy the family unit and hence the entire society.  This agenda can be found in the ideology of cultural marxism.   I have referred to this as the Poisoned Woman, and unfortunately, many women have succumbed to this identity.  A lot of our wigger children think it is "cool" to disrespect traditional women or even their own mothers. This would not be tolerated in any society, except for a degenerate and destabilized one such as America.  Respect women.  Honor women.  Do not let them become this Monster!
How many times have you thought about what has happened to our women?  Have you ever thought about it in great depth?  The Poisoned Woman disease is spreading like wild fire.  The attitude is such that a woman now has to have a career above anything else, and she must attend college and compete with men.  She also must find herself as the aggressor or the dominant role in relationships.  This is not only unnatural, it goes against everything that a women is suppose to be.  I hate the saying,  "a strong, independent woman". Women are not suppose to be this at all!  Women are strong in many ways, and they are the most important beings in this world.  They should not be looked at as a mere comrade, but respected as a true blessing...a gift to our dark, aggressive, manly world.  Women's true strength is that  they create and nurture our future generations, our progeny.  The bravest man would be nothing without his mother!

Far Fetched?
The young, modern, fashionable women is disgusting and a disgrace to womanhood. A tattooed, pierced, sub-human freak is not the epitome of "sexy".  When I am called old fashioned, I take that as a compliment of the highest order.  To me, that represents a time when the sick, twisted Hollywood elites did not wrap their tentacles around our women and turn them into the hardened, manlike, tattooed wackos they are today.
This Is Where It As Right Now....Not So Fetched

This is Hans' message to you women out there who want to be "wigettes" and cover yourself in a degenerated love potion:  If you drink from the poisoned chalice of the enemy, you will be modern, hip, and fashionable.  Yes you will!  You might even become a Hellywood sick-o freak!  But I will tell you one thing that you will not be:  You will not be a woman!   You will simply be a shell or a corpse of what you could have been.

Do not be what they want you to be.  It is time to take back traditional Western womanhood.  As men, it is our sacred obligation to protect our women and girls from the monsters of the world. It is time to take down this Zionist Bride of FrankenSTEIN once and for all.

Do it for your Momma!

- Heil

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