Friday, May 24, 2013

Good Jew Bad Jew

One Straight Edge Cop.  The Other A Whacky Pot Smok'in Rebel.  This July 4th
From the days of Spartacus Jones to those of Jeff Rense, and down to Rivero (Hawaii), Adam Kokesh (Washington), Luke Rudowski (New York), and Naomi Wolfe (San Francisco), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstruction of society on the basis of arrested development, envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing... 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Supremacist Female Rabbi Wants Us To Trust Aliens

Rabbi Patricia Karlin-Neumann platformed at Stanford University Church, on Mother's Day, and guilted  the goyim to help pass the the Trust  Act.  The Jews are really trying to push this alien agenda as long as they are the last alien standing.  (Not that kind of alien, Mr. Icke!)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Boycott Israel Texas Day

Not A Penny More 
I know a few friends who will be protesting this outright treasonous act and as well trying to wake up these Ziombies. I wonder where the bull-horning COKEsh types will be when the Jews will be grinning ear to ear at their supreme overlord power of one of the largest states in America.

When I think of moments like this, my flesh crawls, I feel sort of beaten down almost helpless. YEA RIGHT. I become more determined, more fervent,  and less forgiving every time these radical zionist come out to worship their serpent Jew gods.

Drink hearty Jews for the hour is nigh, and your days of world extirpation are coming to a draw.

Enjoy the Swan Song!


9:30 AM at the base of Capital Hill Weds, May 8th Austin Texas.

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Poisoned Woman

Save Our Women From This Future
Feminism has destroyed many things in its process of defeminizing Western womanhood.   It has also feminized  Western manhood.  The term "feminism" is actually specious, and it is a blatant and evil effort to destroy the family unit and hence the entire society.  This agenda can be found in the ideology of cultural marxism.   I have referred to this as the Poisoned Woman, and unfortunately, many women have succumbed to this identity.  A lot of our wigger children think it is "cool" to disrespect traditional women or even their own mothers. This would not be tolerated in any society, except for a degenerate and destabilized one such as America.  Respect women.  Honor women.  Do not let them become this Monster!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Total Pacifism...Totally

The True Face Of  The American Nazi Parties
In recent interviews between John Friend (Realist Report) and  The American Nazi Party, and between Deanna Spingola (Spingola Speaks) and the NorthWest Front, I came to a pretty astute conclusion as to what is happening in the so-called American National Socialist movement.  It is anything but National Socialism!  It is a cunning effort to pacify and misdirect truth seekers.  I am on to you Jews and your snake goyim henchmen.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

If I Were Dictator....My Fifty Point Plan

Julius Caesar Ended The Republic And Created The Roman Empire
Jewish Media pundits hold so dear their capitalistic republic because it puts the power in the hands of their host. The truth community is going to have to take charge. It is time to plan and create an actual plan to take down and rebuild. Our children's future is a stake.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Boston Bombing Human Passover Sacrifice?

There is all sorts of speculation going on post-terrorist attack in Boston. The first thing that sparked my interest was the end of Passover and remembering the human sacrifice that finalizes the end of the ritual. To understand the Jewish mindset, and how they use significant dates in history, may-be a future way of tracking when they will strike again. In any case it will be easier to know what is a "Natural," and "unnatural," terrorist attack.